a couple of years ago I had stacks and stacks of negatives and proof sheets and very few prints. I guess I still do since those stacks are still there on the shelves with the negatives waiting to be scanned. Anyway, I went through a role of film once - well, maybe a few times over the course of a day or week - but then it got filed. Now, with digital negatives and good assest management software I am going back through and tagging and looking and seeing a whole bunch of stuff that I never would have seen in the past.
I say this because I don't think I would have used this photo if I had shot it on film. I remember seeing when I took it and seeing the image in my mind. Then I remember seeing it on the computer as a thumbnail and thinking that there were other images more striking. Going through again, this photo got a second chance and I am growing fonder of it the more I look at it.
Well, the architectural section of my website is up and I think it will be a few months before I make any changes to the images - but this one is going to be sitting there in the queue. I've never had a wait list - kinda cool.
Oh, so you ask - why a wait list, why don't I add it right now? Well, the program I am using to make my website only allows 20 rollover/linked images on a page. Yes, there are work-arounds but that gets more fussy and the more streamlined I make this the more current it will stay since I am the one designing and publishing this baby. So - we have the start of a wait list!