It is great to catch up with old friends. I dunno, they just kinda fit like that favorite pair of old jeans. It doesn't matter that they have been hanging out in the back of the drawer without too much attention, two way street really, but when you pull those jeans they just feel right and remind you of all the good times you had together. Okay - too much on the analogy. It's just that I had a great time today catching up with an old college friend who is in town. We have stayed in touch over the years - he was at my wedding, we were both at our other good friends wedding a few years after but it has been a long time. He is on the account side at one of the WPP companies so it was great talking shop, photos, art history and all the stuff in between.
So, we have the beer above because even though we didn't drink. Lunch just kinda felt like the picture above. That was taken outside of Santa Fe on an afternoon that would be perfect for a Corona - and that was what today was - cheers,