Lisa and I went to a get together Sunday night and so people could get to know each other, everyone was given a question to answer. My question was "What is something that you have never done that you would like to try? Why?"
The funny thing is that I couldn't come up with anything meaningful. Maybe it was my perspective. Sure, there are things that I haven't done and I will feel a whole lot more fulfilled once I get my photography business to the point that it can help better support the family. But there is no aching thing that I have never done. I have a burning desire to make images and art but that is not what the question was talking about. I would like to go to China sometime but I have been to Europe many times and although I want to get to China it's not on my bucket list.
I have traveled, I have been a ski bum, I have been to art school, I have been a certified scuba diver, I have sailed, camped, kayaked and traveled the country with only a few hundred dollars in my pocket and all my belongings in the trunk. That's not to say that I am done - not by a long shot. Maybe it will be traveling the country when I am 60 on a motorcycle. I certainly want to go skiing and scuba diving with my boys and wife. Lot's of stuff to do but I don't have a bucket and I think I kinda like that.
philly in june - well, I can cross that off of the list that I don't have.