A little history - a few years back I was talking to an older alumna who mention that most of what the chicago chapter did was to get together at bars to watch the football games. He wondered what other activities we could plan. Since I am also an SAIC alumna (you look it up - I'm not typing all of that) and their yearly BareWalls Alumni Art Show is huge - I suggested an art show. There was much doubt floated about - but I was sure there would be a great turn out. I was told to plan for 40 people. We ended up with 10 exhibitors and of course they invited their friends. The result was over 100 people and the beginning of a great tradition. The yearly show has moved to the Madron Gallery which is a great and makes available a huge gallery for us. The big bummer is that they now have to limit the number of participants since it has become very popular. The SAIC does a lottery due to popularity and so are we. The bummer is that one of the orginal ideas was to give everyone a voice, to let everyone participate. I guess that is what can happen when everyone wants in. Bummer.
The up side is that I made it in and the above picture will be one of 6 that I plan on showing. Stay tuned for all the details.